white paint removed from brick wall

Paint Removal

Heritage-safe paint stripping and paint removal services in Sydney.

Paint Removal Services

Paint removal can be time-consuming and messy work. Let’s Clean specialises in getting rid of paint fast so you can focus on what’s important to you.

We manufacture our own products like Heritage No.1 Natural Paint Removal Poultice and GreyGel Professional Grade Paint Remover and import other outstanding products like Franmar’s 600GL Soy Gel™ to aid in swift, non-toxic paint stripping and surface restoration.

We train each specialist to know how to conduct a safe process and create an attractive result. Any surface can be stripped, such as metal, wood, brick, stone, or plaster, and it takes an expert to do it right.

If you engage with a heritage consultant or architect, we’ll work with them to achieve your vision.